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Francisco Villegas | profile | all galleries >> Travels / Viajes >> Febrero 2007 - Kukenan Tepuy tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Febrero 2007 - Kukenan Tepuy

My trekking in a tour to the top of Kukenan Tepuy, Bolívar state Venezuela... it was a 5 days trekking, 2 days to the top, 1 day there and 2 days coming back.
The place is magical, the entire "Gran Sabana" is an awesome place, the top of the tepuy is unique, the scenery, weather, vegetation is something that just can be seem there.
Here are my attempts to capture some of it's magic...
Road from San Francisco de Yuruani to Paraitepuy de Roraima
Road from "San Francisco de Yuruani" to "Paraitepuy de Roraima"
Rainbow between tepuys / Arcoiris entre tepuyes
Rainbow between tepuys / Arcoiris entre tepuyes
Rainbow between tepuys / Arcoiris entre tepuyes
Rainbow between tepuys / Arcoiris entre tepuyes
Tepuys panoramic / Panorámica de tepuyes
Tepuys panoramic / Panorámica de tepuyes
Tepuys panoramic / Panorámica de tepuyes
Tepuys panoramic / Panorámica de tepuyes
Paraitepuy town and Wei Tepuy in the back / Paraitepui y Wei Tepuy al fondo
Paraitepuy town and Wei Tepuy in the back / Paraitepui y Wei Tepuy al fondo
Sunset over the Gran Sabana
Sunset over the "Gran Sabana"
Sunset over the Gran Sabana / Atardecer sobre la Gran Sabana
Sunset over the "Gran Sabana" / Atardecer sobre la Gran Sabana
Typical wild flowers
Typical wild flowers
The begining of the trek
The begining of the trek
Typical wild flowers
Typical wild flowers
Kukenan and Roraima Tepuys / Tepuyes Kukenan y Roraima
Kukenan and Roraima Tepuys / Tepuyes Kukenan y Roraima
Frog / Rana
Frog / Rana
Tek river / Rio Tek
Tek river / Rio Tek
Tek river
Tek river
Walking again
Walking again
Kukenan and Roraima Tepuys / Tepuyes Kukenan y Roraima
Kukenan and Roraima Tepuys / Tepuyes Kukenan y Roraima
Refreshing points
Refreshing points
Looking at our goal / Mirando hacia nuestra meta
Looking at our goal / Mirando hacia nuestra meta
Sunset over Kukenan Tepuy
Sunset over Kukenan Tepuy
Sunset over Kukenan Tepuy / Atardecer sobre Kukenan Tepuy
Sunset over Kukenan Tepuy / Atardecer sobre Kukenan Tepuy
Sun and Moonset / Puesta de sol y luna
Sun and Moonset / Puesta de sol y luna
Sunrise in the camp / Amanecer en el campamento
Sunrise in the camp / Amanecer en el campamento
Sunrise in the camp / Amanecer en el campamento
Sunrise in the camp / Amanecer en el campamento
Walking again
Walking again
The vegetation is changing
The vegetation is changing
Eyecatching / Atrapamiradas
Eyecatching / Atrapamiradas
Low clouds
Low clouds
Roraima view from Kukenan / Vista del Roraima desde el Kukenan
Roraima view from Kukenan / Vista del Roraima desde el Kukenan
View of Roraima from Kukenan
View of Roraima from Kukenan
Everybody walk
Everybody walk
View of Roraima from Kukenan
View of Roraima from Kukenan
Lasts sunlights in Roraima Tepuy / Ultimos rayos de sol en Roraima Tepuy
Lasts sunlights in Roraima Tepuy / Ultimos rayos de sol en Roraima Tepuy
Light and mist in the top of Kukenan Tepuy
Light and mist in the top of Kukenan Tepuy
A different world / Un mundo diferente
A different world / Un mundo diferente
Local flora
Local flora
Tepuy Flora
Tepuy Flora
Moss / Musgo
Moss / Musgo
Local flora - Aphanocarpus
Local flora - Aphanocarpus
Rocks, water and vegetation are everywhere / Rocas, agua y vegetación están en todos lados
Rocks, water and vegetation are everywhere / Rocas, agua y vegetación están en todos lados
Kukenan Tepuy
Kukenan Tepuy
Cloud's water
Cloud's water
Tepuy Flora
Tepuy Flora
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora
Tepuy flora
Tepuy flora
Everybody hide from the cold.
Everybody hide from the cold.
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora - Drosera
Local flora - Drosera
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora
A view in the top
A view in the top
Tepuy flora
Tepuy flora
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora
Local flora
Mini desert
Mini desert
Elements / Elementos
Elements / Elementos
Diagonal stratification
Diagonal stratification
A window to the Roraima
A window to the Roraima
Top Panoramic
Top Panoramic
Infinite view
Infinite view
The garden of the sculptures
The garden of the sculptures
Clouds over Roraima
Clouds over Roraima
The garden of the sculptures / El jardín de las esculturas
The garden of the sculptures / El jardín de las esculturas
The garden of the sculptures / El jardín de las esculturas
The garden of the sculptures / El jardín de las esculturas
Reflected sky
Reflected sky
Sunset and water / Atardecer y agua
Sunset and water / Atardecer y agua
Sunset in Kukenan Tepuy / Atardecer en Kukenan Tepuy
Sunset in Kukenan Tepuy / Atardecer en Kukenan Tepuy
Morning glory / Gloria matutina
Morning glory / Gloria matutina
Getting ready for the return
Getting ready for the return
A river of clouds / Un rio de nubes
A river of clouds / Un rio de nubes
A nice sky
A nice sky