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Alexander Kazakov | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Graeme18-Aug-2018 09:29
Hi Alexander, thank you for your recent visit to my galleries. Your kind words are always appreciated. I love your work as well and try and visit as often as I can.
Jean Chiasson14-Mar-2017 20:06
Merci beaucoup for all new comments Alexander
Graeme10-Apr-2016 21:57
Hi Alexander, Thank you for all of your very kind words that you left today. I appreciate hem all and they are very much appreciated. I enjoy viewing and commenting on your work as well, your style is wonderful.
Jean Chiasson29-Dec-2015 14:37
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Alex
Thanks you for your visit and your comments
Long Bach Nguyen25-Dec-2015 06:15
Merry Christmas Alexander

My wife and I would like to share our Christmas card with you and your family wishing a Merry Christmas and Healthy and Prosperous 2016 Cheers
Long and Katherine
Jean Chiasson25-Oct-2015 20:07
Great thanks too Alexander
Jean Chiasson07-Oct-2015 20:48
Hi Alexander excellent work here thank you for sharing
Vladimir 24-Sep-2015 08:11
I really enjoyed your wonderful pictures! Wonderful galleries! Excellent composition! You put a lot of skill and effort in your photos, I saw a true MASTER!!!!
Graeme13-Sep-2015 21:54
Hi Alexander, I would like to thank you for your visit to my galleries today and for all of the wonderful kind comments and generous votes that you left. they are always appreciated.
Gilles Navet04-Sep-2015 08:35
Une beau regard et du "savoir faire"
tu est dans mes Fav
Jean Chiasson05-Aug-2015 00:16
Thanks Alexander
pacs22-May-2015 18:47
Super Galleries, great work.Thanks for sharing them.
cafe18-May-2015 09:41
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your pictures.
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:47
These are beautiful pics! I can't wait to see more ... thank you for sharing with me
Graeme20-Apr-2015 21:24
Hi Alexander, thank you so very much for all of the fine comments you left on my images over the weekend. They are very much appreciated my friend.

Kind regards,
hamery06-Apr-2015 15:39
Thank you Alexander for visiting my gallery and is so nice to meet u in PB. Thanks again for your kind comment. Wishing U and your love ones have a very happy 2015.
Graeme15-Jan-2015 23:29
Hi Alexander, I would like to thank you for your visit today and for commenting on so many of my images. I appreciate each one of them and thank you for being so generous.

Kind regards,
Stephanie31-Dec-2014 13:51
::: (_( …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
*: (=’ :’) :::::::: Happy New Year Alexander 2015! :::::::::::
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
Jean Chiasson28-Dec-2014 12:55
Thank you for visiting my gallery Alexander
and Happy New Year
hermankervel11-Jul-2014 07:16
nice pictures 06-May-2013 23:26
go0od work
N tq for thz marvols sharing i realy love It
Bhimber Azad Kashmir
Chaudhry Tariq Faro0oq
Salam 4 awl
Love U awl
Pacific Spirit Photography04-Feb-2013 20:31
Your work is amazing. Vy - nastoyashchiy fotomaster! We look forward to seeing more images of Russia.
Best wishes from British Columbia!
Gloria & family
Ruslan Yaroshetski25-Dec-2012 18:05
Beautiful color and enciclopedic collection of countries!!!
Guest 22-Dec-2012 17:25
Thanks, Alex
Appreciate your nice comment and vote on my Winter image....
Guest 08-Sep-2012 13:47
Thanks for the nice comment on my Fawn image....
Ron Asp26-Aug-2012 14:49
Alexander, Enjoyed going through your galleries. Nice to see different parts of the world in photos.. One of interest I really like is the Galapagos islands. Thanks for sharing your photos...
twistedlim27-Mar-2012 11:29
Thank you for your kind comments.
Ruslan Yaroshetski28-Dec-2011 19:27
Happy New Year Alexander:)!
Jessi11-Dec-2011 18:09
I am quite thoroughly jealous of your travels. Thank yhou for sharing marvelous views of so much of the world.
Guest 29-Nov-2011 20:00
Hi, Alex! Thank you so much for visiting my gallery and leaving kind comments!
I really enjoy viewing your galleries with your lovely and very inspiring pictures!
With all respect,
Richard Glenn03-Nov-2011 16:14
Thank you for visiting my gallery. Your images are inspiring and make me wish I could travel the world as you. But I can visit anywhere with your photographs. Thanks for sharing!

jelrdan29-Oct-2011 19:43
Thanks you for your visit and your comments.
I appreciated.
I will visit your galleries calmly soon.
Guest 12-Oct-2011 09:14
thanks for your comments. I have enjoyed your shots very much! You should visit Philippines one day then we get to see PH from your lens! I will browse your gallery thoroughly as time allows! TC!
Dougie Young15-Sep-2011 02:21
Hi Alexander. I have just enjoyed a browse through your galleries, nice work. You are a well traveled man, when are you going to Scotland..:>
barryml25-Aug-2011 20:16
thanks for visiting my page, the artistic was done by my daughter she was 12 at that stage, i will be browsing your photos, Russa has always been a atrraction to me with the fast richness of art and buildings , such old culture compared to my country. regards
smangu29-Jul-2011 12:15
hey..thanks for your compliments..must say you have varierty of images.. keep clicking..
foto-baja-mex23-Jul-2011 23:27
I was born in the state of Idaho. There is a Moscow in the northern part of that state. Home of the University of Idaho. Thank you for you visit and you comments. Looking forward to exchanging images and thoughts.
Ricardo L.07-Jul-2011 20:35
Thank you for your visit Alexander. I will visit your galleries calmly
Jorge Benavente18-Jun-2011 22:36
Thank you for your comment Alexander.
Saludos de la Patagonia
Jorge Benavente
Jihad Jean Chahine11-Jun-2011 03:22
Thks for visiting my galleries and leaving a message.
I appreciate.
Olga Konovalova 11-May-2011 10:08
Ïîòðÿñàþùèå ôîòîãðàôèè!!! Áåçóìíî èíòåðåñíûé è óâëåêàòåëüíûé ñàéò, çàòÿãèâàåò ìîìåíòàëüíî è ñîâåðøåííî íå õî÷åòñÿ ñ íåãî óõîäèòü! Î÷åíü ïîíðàâèëñÿ ñòèëü, â êîòîðîì ñäåëàí äèçàéí ñàéòà, òîëüêî òåêñò, íà ìîé âçãëÿä, ëó÷øå áû âîñïðèíèìàëñÿ ñòàëüíîé/ñåðûé (õðîì), íåæåëè áåëûé, ñåé÷àñ íåìíîãî ñëîæíî è "òÿæåëî" âçãëÿäó åãî âîñïðèíèìàòü. Íî ïîñêîëüêó âñå âíèìàíèå ïðèâëåêàþò ôîòîãðàôèè, à îíè ïðîñòî óäèâèòåëüíûå, òî öâåò øðèôòà íå ñèëüíî è áðîñàåòñÿ â ãëàçà!
Olga Konovalova 11-May-2011 09:55
Ïîòðÿñàþùèå ôîòîãðàôèè!!! Áåçóìíî èíòåðåñíûé è óâëåêàòåëüíûé ñàéò, çàòÿãèâàåò ìîìåíòàëüíî è ñîâåðøåííî íå õî÷åòñÿ ñ íåãî óõîäèòü! Î÷åíü ïîíðàâèëñÿ ñòèëü, â êîòîðîì ñäåëàí äèçàéí ñàéòà, òîëüêî òåêñò, íà ìîé âçãëÿä, ëó÷øå áû âîñïðèíèìàëñÿ ñòàëüíîé/ñåðûé (õðîì), íåæåëè áåëûé, ñåé÷àñ íåìíîãî ñëîæíî è "òÿæåëî" âçãëÿäó åãî âîñïðèíèìàòü. Íî ïîñêîëüêó âñå âíèìàíèå ïðèâëåêàþò ôîòîãðàôèè, à îíè ïðîñòî óäèâèòåëüíûå, òî öâåò øðèôòà íå ñèëüíî è áðîñàåòñÿ â ãëàçà!
Alexander Rogachev 11-May-2011 08:26
Ñàí÷åñ! Ïðèâåò!! Ìíå î÷åíü ïîíðàâèëîñü !! Ìîëîäåö!!
Mikhail Shlemov08-Apr-2011 17:01
Саша привет, с удовольствием посмотрел альбомы... так держать!
êòî-òî 10-Mar-2011 15:52
Ñóïåð êîãäà óñïåë?