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Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX01 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 13-Feb-2006
Megapixels: 6
Random Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX01 Samples from 4459 available Photos more
g4/70/43370/3/92049784.TjntzbFK.jpg g4/94/50194/3/59748170.P1000209adj.jpg g6/07/235007/3/75648183.J5jDKn81.jpg g6/66/374766/3/82535139.0Do7v202.jpg
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Guest 15-Jul-2006 22:14
I got my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX01K recently from Amazon and have played with the camera for a few hours. I also own a Sony W5. The FX01 is a big step forward from the W5:
1) It is much smaller. In terms of volume, the FX01 is about half that of the W5.
2) The optical image stabilizer works, to some degree. I took pictures with both cameras, at about 1/15 speed; the picture from the FX01 is sharper.
3) Movies from the FX01 are steadier and easier on the eyes because of the image stabilizer.
4) The movie resolutions are ...

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