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Ernst Sch | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Ernst Sch
Name Ernst Sch (joined 24-Apr-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username es839145
Location Switzerland
View Galleries : Ernst Sch has 128 galleries and 7281 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 5181143 times.

View Guestbook : 104 messages. Most recent on 19-May-2018.

Message from Ernst Sch
Welcome to all my friends and new visitors. I'm just sharing some of the beauty I have seen since I have my digital camera ( Canon G2 )

I did all my pictures with a point-and-shoot camera of only 4 megapixels for 8 years.
Now in February 2010 I upgraded to a Canon EOS 50D
_ _ _ _

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