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In my lonely quest to save some pieces of the pulp art form which, like the dinosaurs, once ruled the world but became extinct, I must work with paper fossils. Of the estimated 60,000 pulp images that poorly paid artists in the Golden Era created, only a few thousand original drawing still exist. Since
most were made for book or magazine covers, my other challenge is to re-work the imaged into a horizontal format as to display on a personal computer screen.
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Saint Patrick's Day 2025
:: Saint Patrick's Day 2025 ::
:: Bridgette ::
apartment & tenement dwellers
:: apartment & tenement dwellers ::
pulp street life
:: pulp street life ::
bars and alcohol
:: bars and alcohol ::
cops vs. hoods
:: cops vs. hoods ::
femme detectives
:: femme detectives ::
:: lookouts ::
gun molls
:: gun molls ::
:: lineups ::
:: toughies ::
safe crackers
:: safe crackers ::
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