Labadee, Haiti by Heinrich Lohmann
De Furcy à Seguin by Otchoa Datcharry
Manifestations de la commémoration des 199 ans de l'Indépendance by IHAM- CHRD
Inspirational by hdf_art
2004 November Haiti Mission Group by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
The Broyles in Haiti by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Labadee, Haiti by Heinrich Lohmann
Keke Hipolit by hdf_art
1999 Haiti, Church of the Nazarene Work and Witness Medical Team by Rachel
Forts Jacques and Alexandre by DiploStrat
2008 March 1-12 Haiti by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Stivenson Magloire by hdf_art